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Art Labs. Disabled Artists: art as a means of inclusion
Italy – Comunità di Sant’Egidio

in support of the
The Fondazione InSé Onlus has at heart the issue of disability, in all its forms. This is why, in the past few years, great financial resources have been dedicated to projects aimed at improving the living – physical and mental – conditions of several children in Kimbondo, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This commitment – which is still active – has been extended to the Italian territory throughout 2018 through the cooperation between the Fondazione InSé Onlus and the Comunità di Sant’Egidio. Indeed, the Fondazione InSé Onlus, which has always acknowledged the value of the solidarity actions of the Comunità di Sant’Egidio, has decided to support the “Art Labs. Disabled Artists: art as a means of inclusion” project. The project is part of a more than decade-long program dedicated to the theme of disability in the Municipality of Rome. After creating urban aggregation centers with the aim of promoting the socialization of persons who are normally marginalized because of their mental disability, the project intends to support and foster opening Art Labs to the public: indeed, the presence of Labs in Rome represents an important point of reference for the other metropolitan areas in which they are to be established. They aim to bring beauty to city districts, in the deep conviction that artistic beauty has an educating force and fosters a new mindset and that a fruitful relationship between the creators and users of art can generate respect for disabled persons. Thanks to this Project, the Lab will be able to take the guise of a place of culture, capable of educating people to peace and coexistence between different persons by investing on requalification and on opening up to the public. It will thus be able to raise an interest and curiosity for art, for the world, for the other, and make a significant contribution to the urban social fabric, by offering a humane space not only open to disabled persons but also to youth and to all the city’s residents.  
The project is also supported by Swiss Re.

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